I have have saline implants for nearly 1yr. Is it ok to wear underwire bras at this point? Just recently I am finding it painful …obviously,if it hurts I’m going to stop wearing the underwire lol..But I was wondering if I shouldn’t be wearing them Ever?? Thanks for your help.
A: underwire bra after breast augmentation
Yes, you can wear an underwire bra after breast augmentation – as early as four weeks after surgery.ย If your incision was made in the inframammary crease (fold under your breast) you may feel some discomfort due to the pressure directly on the incision and may want to wait a few more weeks before trying the underwire.ย The sensation around the breast may not be normal immediately after surgery and you may not be aware of the tension that the wire may be placing on your skin.
Certainly by one year you can wear any bra you prefer.
Best wishes,
Dr. Bruno